Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hi everyone and welcome to Mr. Soto’s Living Environment Blog!
Here I will post important information about homework, class notes, and materials regarding the LE class for Living Environment 1.
Visit the blog if you were absent in the class for any reason; or to recall homework, test days, and due assignments.
If you have any questions, please post a comment in response to an entry. Thanks for visiting this blog.

Assignment: Now is your turn. Please, make a welcome comment to your classmates and teacher. Tell us about yourself: your name, a couple of hobbies, what you want to be when you grow up, some of your talents, and two goals for the school year.

Due day: Wednesday, September 26

Credits: 20 points toward your homework grade.


Anonymous said...

nawaf aldilam

Anonymous said...

Mansoor Ali

Anonymous said...

Welcome classmates to Mr.Soto Living Enviroment class:) My name is Lorenny Matos and Am happy to be in his class. I am from Dominican Republic and I live in the bronx NY, I love to read, play in the internet in the phone and whach TV :). I want to be a teacher for kindergate or a nurse.I know how to anderstand the litter kids! My goal this year is to pass all my classes.

Anonymous said...

My name is Brehima Sangare I come from Ivory Coast to be what I want to grow up to be a business man
be my talent for music, cinema, and also the piano both goals the school year is Bosser, to attend every class if possible, my successful year ... for once.

Anonymous said...

Mansoor Ali
hi mr.soto and to the class meet. my name is mansoor Ali. Iam from yemen. Iam 15 years old. I ben liveing in U.S. 2 years. I learn alot of english. I heave friends from diffren countrys. I have two hobbies.I whant to be decoter to do this. I heave to goals finished hihg school and finish collge.

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody, i m Aly from IVORY COAST.My favorite hobbie is
soccer. my wish is to be a professional in that sport.I m good in all subject except drawing, but i ll make improvement this year.

Anonymous said...

Nawaf Aldilam

hello Mr. Soto and also to the class my name is Nawaf Aldilam. i am from Yemen. i am 17 years old. i want to have friend from different countries not only from my country. i love to swim. some people say how i can swim in that body! but i do. i love to study about history.I will do my best in that class. i hope that I get good grade when i take the Living ENV regent. i want to be a pharmacey

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Soto....
My name is Castro Mainor. I have a comment about your welcome message. Your class is my first period in the day but i liked so far. My favorite activities in you class are when we make projects and listining how we have to complete your classwork. I don't have any talents, but I like my math class and I have good score in this class. I think this is my talent.
In my future, I want to be some a Doctor or electrician. I want to pass all my class and go to senior to get out from High School.

Anonymous said...

Welcome classmates to Mr.soto's living enviroment class.***My name is Fatoumata Konate and i am so happy to be in mr. soto's class.i am from Ivory Coast a country in africa, i live in manhattan. i love to study i wish to be a nice student in the future i wish to be a doctor or nurse, because i want to help sick and death people. My beautiful goal of this year is to be a good student , pass all of my classes , and to respect everyone in the school like my teachers,my classmates ,and everyone else.i also wish to pass living environment regent.*

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Soto My name is Amara Sidibe , I am in 10th grade, I came from Guinea, My favory sport is soccer, cause when I was in my country every afternoon I played it With my friend from Guinea . I live with my mother and my father. I am interesting in math, but sometime it is difficult. I don’t know yet what I want to do in my future, but I still thinking. Your class is sometime too, but I hope I will do my best and pass my regent.

Anonymous said...

Jiali Ma:

-I have these two hobbies,the first one is play basketbal and the second one is listen to music.
-I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
-I don't have any talents...maybe..
-For the school year I just want to learn more things about biology.

Anonymous said...

Hi,my name is xiaoying you .I like going swimming .but i arrite to America i still miss my country's frienda and my family.I hope hurry up come back my country ,i want look my country 's more change everything.This is me,my goals is in the school study more English ,also speaking and writing.

Anonymous said...

My name is HaiShan Lin. I like play computer game and I like play backetball.I hope i become lawer. I want go to very good University. So i need strive study.

Anonymous said...

My name is Simin Ye.I I come from China. My hobbies are Painting, when I grow up, I want to be a designer, because I think this makes me joy. In the absence of a designer before. In the next two school years, I need to finish my high school.

Anonymous said...

My name is Siting Ye,I am from China.I like to listen to music and reading in my freetime.I don't have a talent.I want to be a pharmacists in my future.In this school year,my two goals are finish the science class and have a high aim.

Anonymous said...

My name is Yanzhu Huang,I am from China.I like to study science that came here I have more opportunity to learn. Learn science
can help us life better and better.
I like to listen to music. Listen to music can relax when i very tension that I enjoy the clam. I want become a nurse in future that I can help two goals are past the regent and learn more knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Hi My is lin yu I like play foodboat but i arrite to America i still miss my country's frienda and my family.i hope hurry up come back my country i want look my counrty's more change everything.

Anonymous said...

my name is chenwei I like computer and E-mail game i like to watch movies I'm from China

Anonymous said...

My name is TALAL ALSAEDI.I'm from yemen.I'm 17 years old.i like to do my homeworks and i liketo study at home i want to be a doctor in the future.I want my average to be 90 in the end of the year and also i want to graduate high school

Anonymous said...

hey my name is andrea.. my hobbies are read and sleep.. in my future i wanna be a doctor.. or maybe an arquitect! my goals for class are learn more english and pay attention to the teacher..

Anonymous said...

Hi im and I like everything and i dont like you

Anonymous said...

Hi I am Bart and i like to sleep and to see more

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is Zasha. Now I'm going to talk about this class: this is one of my favorite because we carry outy experiments. One of my hobbies is sleeping over with my friend sing and my purpose in the school is to graduate and learn more English.

Anonymous said...

My name is Kimberly Martinez. I like Mr.Soto class. I am from Dominican Republic and I live in Manhattan. I like to draw, see to much movies and listen to music. I want to be a painter. My goal this year is pass all class and do everything the best i can. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Everybody!My name is Vivien Mate. I'm from Hungary. I'm very glad i'm in this class. My hobbies are draw and listen music. In my future i wanna be great artist, maybe tattoo artist. My goals are pass my classes and be good student.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody!
My name is Katarzyna Jakubczyk. I'm really pleased to be in this class. I'm from Poland, now I live in Brooklyn. I like photography, drawing, reading books,and watching scary movies. In future I want to be a writer or a slavist. My goalds are to pass this year succesfully and become better in English.

Anonymous said...

Hi!!...My name is Luis Miguel.My hobbies are reading and play sports. My future job is to be a Policemen. My talent is being skilled in the computer. My goal is get my graduation from high school to college.

Anonymous said...

HEY MR.SOTO ,my name is FAtoumata kaba, im glad to writ this comment. im from guinea also in rochelle in france , im sitll new in new york city and i live in manhattan .IM 15 years and half , my birthday is february 2. im a person who forgive but never forgive , my goal is to be a graffiti artist or be a soccer player female be cause i think thats is my talent and im proud to be your student .


Anonymous said...

Hello mr.soto my name is yliana.I from Dominican Republic.i like sing, and listen music too. i want to be a doctor. I like this class because is interesting to learn about experiments. i want to learn a lot the english and i want graduate.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Andrea. My Goal for this class is to improve my performance in class,and the best student . I want to go the university,I want to make a police women in the future.So i have todo my part to be best at everything....

Anonymous said...

hii Mr. Soto, my name is Erick. i am a students of the class of living environment 1 and i'm so happy of be in his class becouse, i think that you is a good teacher for all us!!. also i hope of pass his class with a good reatting. also finish my study in liberty high school and continue in the college for in the future be a good person that can be a person of exemple for the other people!!

Anonymous said...

hi.. my name is Rogelio de Jesus my hobbies are do exercise and paly soccer. i would like to be a cheff in a restaurant. my talent is painting cartton my goal is graduated and have a great job. 04.19.11

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HI.MR.SOTO.ME NAME IS WEN JIE ZHEN Thank you for your church we will be more knowledge,I will be very hard to learn, will not disappoint you

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Dawid Dabrowski and I'm from Poland and I'm really happy to be part of that class. Mr. Soto seems to be very good teacher, so I think I will pass my regents of Living Environment. I love playing soccer, especially with friends. I also love FC Barcelona, that's my club. I'm a person, who likes laughing a lot. In Poland I liked biology, so I think I will be good in this class. I still don't know what I want to do in the future, so I'm still thinking about that. It's really hard to choose, so you have to be decided in 100%. I hope I will pass everything in that school.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Hristiana Stoynova I am from Blugaria. My hobbies are many- I like to hang out i like to watch movies or to practice sports. Most of all i like to be with my friends. In the future i would like to work as an architect. I dont know what are my tallents. My plants for this school year are to pas all of my classes.

Anonymous said...

My name is Esther Traore, I am from France. My favorite hobbies are I love to use internet and read books. My talent is I know how to use a computer and how it works. I would like to go to College and study technology. I want to become a dentist or someone who works with technology. My school goal this year is to have good grades in all my classes.

Anonymous said...

I Mr Soto and everyone in the class. my name is Ntunga-Enoch i came from Congo in central Africa, i like to sing and play Guitar,i am also an electrician but when i will finish my school,I want to be lawer in my future

Anonymous said...

My name is Cristian Polanco, my full name to be Cristian Uriel Polanco Polanco. My hobbies are go to the park to walk, go to a beach and feel the wind in my face and feel the water the water in my feet, also I like to stay in my home playing video games and staying with my famiily. In the future I want to be a person that works with computers and laptops making new operative systems and make my own company. I am very good playing video games and with computers, also I can like see waht some person feels just seen his face. My school goals are get E or G in all my classes to get my scholarsship when I go to college.

Anonymous said...

my name is gerado olivos ....i came from mexico i like to play soccer in my free time ha i think that's my talent "PLAY SOCCER">>>>> Iam 16 years old ........................ i like your class because you make a lot of experiments and that's interenting for me ....bye...........

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mr. Soto my name is Djenabou Sacko i'm from guinea (conakry) i'm so happy to be in your class . After my education i like to be a business woman iyallaouh .

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. soto my name is Felix Ferreira.i liked the experiment that we did and i like living enviroment1 i like to use computer and in the future I'm going to be sistem computer. and i going to try everything for do better.

Anonymous said...

My name is Milena and I'm from Poland. I came here one year ago and I'm planning to stay here for a while. I'm interesting in playing volleyball. Also i love to read American Literature. I love architecture and this the the subject that I would love to study in a future for example in collage. I would love to be an architect but also i know that it's a lot of work to cheer my future goals. I'm really happy to be part of this class. I think that at the end of this year I will be prepared to take another part of Living Enviroment. Also I hope that in this class we will make a lot of project which I love to do and other interesting things. I would love to learn a little bit more about the environment and all things releted with it.

Anonymous said...

my name is Stailyn Nunez. my hobbies are play the piano and play the guitar some times i do tae know do. i want to be a police officel and ingenier in sistem.mi talent is play the games in the computer. my goals is graduated the high school and college.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Jaythan Vargas. Myb hobbis are play Baseball and Basketball. I want to be baseball player or Lawyer. My talent is play baseball and basketball. My school goals are pass all of my class with exsellent calification.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Soto and everyone in the class. my name is Ntunga-Enoch i came from Congo in central Africa, i like to sing and play Guitar,i am also an electrician but when i will finish my school,I want to be lawer in my future

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Soto and to the class meet. I am in 10th grade.
my name is Pedro Amborcio.
I from mexico, My favory sport is soccer.
I work in restaurant...
I want to be a chef xD
I heave to goals finished hihg school and finish collge.

Anonymous said...

Hii Mr.soto my name is Domingo REY Quiroz.i like your class because you explain the class so well and i liked the experiment that we did before.
i like Living Enviroment 1

Anonymous said...

my name is Junior Rivera. My hobby is play soccer.I want to be a doctor or a computer programer .my talent is play goals are graduate from the high school and go to the college.

Anonymous said...

My name is Jiasheng ma, I am from China. I don't have any special hobbies, but I like school days, learning things is better than fooling around. I feel so grateful of being a 10th grader. We are here to gain knowledge, so I expect every student will learn what they should learn here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Soto. My name is Tanvir Hossain. I am from bangladesh . i like to play , listening sonng and study . IN the future want to be a good architecture .

What is the problem if you dont pay attention in class?

If you dont pay attention in class you will not pass in exam even in r future.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Soto,
my name is Kattia Mezon. I am from Dominican Republic. I like listen to music, I live in Manhattan. My favorite hobby is talking my frend.In the future I want to become teacher of English. I am very talented at the class of math. This year I would like to learn more in the school

Anonymous said...

Hi.!My name is Dominika and I'm in the 10th grade.I have Living Environment and honestly I don't like this class.However I used to like the biology in Poland.My hobby is drawing and I like to read about all the animals around the world especially the weird one.In the future I still don't know who I want to be but I've been thinking about.My first thoughts about my job is to be veterinarian or to work in police.My school goeals is to finish high school with good diploma and get in to the good college.!

Anonymous said...

My name is....
Two of my hobbies are....

Anonymous said...

My name is Mamadou Cisse. I'm really proud of myself to be in Mr. Soto's class. I'm from Ivory Coast and I live right now in Manhattan precisely Harlem. I love electronic devices as most of the teenagers. I want to be an Architect like a real job or want to be a basketball player. My objective for this year is to be a great student this year with excellent record.

Anonymous said...

How are you doing? My name is Dandan chen,who is taking Mr.soto's class at Libery High School,where is an international school for ethnic students is such place to find excellent students.All the students has responsable,witty as well as acompolishment qualites.finally,thank your for your attention.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is....
Two of my hobbies are....
I want to become a.....
I am very talented at....

Anonymous said...

Hi, everyone! My name is Lei Chen. I am from China. I am very happy to study in this class. In my free time, I always play the computer and listen to music. I like swiming and traveling. I want to be a Hair stylist when I grow up. Because it is interesting to help people design hair. My talent is drawing. In this semester, my goal is passing all the classed and regents. I think I can do it. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi,Mr.Soto! I am Huiyan Wang.I am happy to tell something about myself here.As a Chinese,I have realized too much classical Chinese literature, and I am interested in them than other things.I also like listening to music,going hiking and taking some photoes.One of my talent is drawing I think.But I don't expect to be an artist.Maybe a housewife is more easy for me to do well..(just a kidding)My goal of this semester is accumulating my knowledge about living environment.I am willing to get a good grade in my regents next year. I am so happy to be a member of your class.Have a nice day!:-)

Anonymous said...

Md Saiful Faisal
Hi Welcome classmates to Mr.Soto Living Environment class.My name is Faisal. I come form Bangladesh. I am 16 years old.I been living in America 11 month.Now I living Queens.I like liberty high school,and school teacher.I have friend for liberty high hobby is which movie,play games,music.I want to grow up to be a doctor.My talent is football.I have to goals finished high school and go to the college and finish college.And like Mr, Soto class

Anonymous said...

HELLO!Mr. Soto
My name is yingci yu. I come from China. I like ride a bike and play computer. I want to be a designer. Becuse I think make many beautiful clother. In next 2 years I want to finish my high school.

Anonymous said...

p,o,kimj imji,o,.lp

xy said...

Hello everybody! This is Xiaoyin,Liang who is from Liberty High School.My hobbies are cook and writing. I want to be an actress when I grow up. One of my telent is imagination. In this year,I have two golas which are getting a excellent grade and prove my speaking.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Soto and everyone in Living Environment class, I am Jiasheng Ma, I am from China, I don't have that much hobbies, but I do like listen to music, and school days, I except everyone would do so. I haven't decited what to do in the future, but I will keep up my work, I won't yeild. The goals for this school year is of course be the best I could be agian, and try to attend some activites.
Finally, I except everyone will do well in this class, and get well along with each other.

Anonymous said...

my name is marianny lopez
my hobbies is to review my tasks ejercisios step dance a lot to me well in my spare time i lik chat liar with my friends that i love and strange.

Anonymous said...

Malek Esayi.
My name is malek.I am from Yemen.I am 17 years old.I love to play in the internet and whach tv.

Anonymous said...

Hi,Mr. Soto my name is Sandley Delinois. I'm from Haiti,my favorite activity is to watch tv, and do my homework all the time. I want to be a doctor when i grow up to take care of people who's sick.My two goals for this year are to speak, writing correctly English and to pass all my classes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Soto, my name is Hector Espinal, i think you know me because you are my teacher. Am so happy to be in your class because is very good and i hope to pass your class. My talent is play baseball. In the future I want to be police officer, thank you mr. Soto for be my teacher!!!!

Anonymous said...

hello.! welcome to mr. soto's class. My name is Berenice. I am from Dominican Republic. I am proud to be in this class because mr. soto seems an excellent teacher. I love to share time with my friends and support them with whatever they need from me. I also like to dance. I would want to be an actress becaose i really like the drama and i think is interesting how can we mix many emotions by acting. My goal is to reach what i want to be in the future, doesn't matter how hart it is. :D In at least 3 years more my goal is to graduate from high school and start college. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr,Soto my name is Yasperec Cuello i'm 18 years old.I from the Dominican Republic i'm in your class and i feel good because i'm learning Living Enviroment 1. My favorite activity in your class is when we do experiment. when i grow up i want to be police man or pilot . For me you are a good teacher, i like to do in my free time play video games of the first and second war world and internet. I have a talent that is baseball all dominican's should know that sport is typical in our culture my goal in the school is to get my high school diplom.

Anonymous said...

Hello my name is jonathan mateo wecon to liberty high school and happy in your class because this class is veri inportant for me and my proposit is pass your class because I no pass your class is problen for me my goal this year is to pass all my classes and homewoork cunplir and my hobbis facebook belistening to music my future is to be bonbero and doctor

Anonymous said...

hi... my name is Darlenny De la Cruz... i come to Liberty Hig School..One of my hobbies is listening to music. Also one of my talent is Dance,In the future I want to become profeccional Finally, two of my goals for this school year are pass all tests and also pass the class with 90.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Mr.Soto My name is Rosmailyn, I am from Dominican Republic and I like this class because is very interesting, I would want to be in the future a doctor , my talents are dance and sing, My Hobbies are talk to my friends and play the guitar .I think that I'm going to pass this class. My goals for this year are to pass all my class and learn more English, But I know that God is going to help me every day. I'm going to put the most impotant attention every day .

Anonymous said...

hi, my nam is abdoulaye traore
I'm student in liberty high school.
My talents is soccer play, in this world.
my future, I want be a economiss
My goal for this years to get, good greet in liberty high.

My problem; what is effect on soccer play
hypothesis; what is effect on economiss

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr.Soto my name is Shahlo Muradova my from is Uzbekistan.I'm 16 years old.My live in Queens. My hobbies listening the music.My future is study at Medical college and in a uneverity and became doctor.

Mike said...

Mansoor Ali